Documentation index

Note: Dots in the chapters means different documentation files while underlines show that chapter is located in the same set of file as the ascending chapter.

1 Introduction

1_1 Why is this project created?

1_1_1 What by this project is influenced?

1_2 Design requirements

1_2_1 The bus

1_2_2 Microcontroller side infrastructure

1_2_3 Computer side infrastructure

1_2_4 Modularity

2 Implementation

2.1 UARTBus OSI oriented implementation details

2.1.1 - Physical layer

2.1.2 - Data link layer

2.1.3 - Network layer

2.1.3_1 Device and device group addresses
2.1.3_2 Variable length addressing
2.1.3_3 Default packet scheme

2.1.4 - Transport layer

2.1.5 - Session layer

2.1.6 - Presentation layer - RPC Namespaces, parameters, reponse method, etc.

2.1.7 - Application layer (UARTBus Java library)

2.2 UARTBus components

2.2.1 - bus driver, libub (osi-2), gateway,

3 Repository overview.

3.1 Source documentations

3.1.1 Javadoc documentation Javadoc source documentation Javadoc test source documentation

3.1.2 Doxygen java/c/c++ source documentation

X) Appendix

X_1 Original BSc. thesis (PDF/Hungarian)